Thursday, June 9, 2011

STS Mid-Week Report

Re-cap of the week thus far.  Things are going good.  Not perfect, but good.  My goal is to be under 165g of Carbohydrates/day, exercise 5 times a week for 45-60 minutes, and to have 10 glasses of water a day. Oh yes.... and to run/walk a 5K in under 40 minutes.  I do not have a caloric goal, but I am keeping track anyhow.

When I am able to work out on the treadmill I am going for 40 minutes and seeing how far I can go.  My goal is to increase my distance each time.  Saturday I went 2.6 miles and Tuesday I went 2.88 miles.  I know I will accomplish my goal of a 5K I under 40 minutes before the challenge is over.  In that case, I will set a new time goal.

Monday: Carbs:144 (21 under) Calories: 1514 Water: 10 glasses
Exercise: 45 minutes Elliptical and Bike

Tuesday: Carbs:157 (8 carbs under)Calories: 1840 Water: 8 glasses
Exercise: 40 minutes walk/jog 2.88 miles 20 minutes strength training

Wednesday: Carbs:176 (11 carbs over) Calories: 1974 Water: 9 glasses
Exercise: 50 minutes elliptical and bike
70 minutes ice skating

Wednesday my husband: The Chocolate Lover and I celebrated our wedding anniversary so I splurged on a super rich Magnum ice cream bar, and a late night trip to Taco Bell following our Ice Skating date.  I did go over on my carbs, but not ridiculously high.  Had I not splurged I would have been wayyy under.

Getting the water in is challenging for me.  I have to remind myself to keep drinking.  I imagine as the weather warms up I will be drinking more.  Today it is a balmy 57 degrees here in Boise, Idaho.  I also should bring two water bottles when I am working out.  I could easily drink another bottle when I am working out.  I always run out of water and I am beet-red in the face for an hour or two after running.  Maybe if I get in more water my body will learn to cool itself down more efficiently.

I haven’t been posting my food journal on my blog, but if you are curious or interested in seeing what I am eating here is the link to my food journal@

Have a great day!  It is fast approaching the weekend. Yeah!!


  1. We are around 94 degrees here it Tennessee. It makes it almost impossible to work out outside. I wouldn't care for a 57 degree day or two. Maybe 77 to 87 would be better :).

    Sometimes we need a splurge. Don't sweat it.

  2. Hey Gurl! Thanksf or stopping by my blog to support my journey! I REALLY appreciate it! I have trouble getting the water in lately, too! Keep up the food fight!

  3. Good evening. I know about this chilly water but for the work we did this weekend I was glad it was cooler, we would of melted. Thank you for stopping by.
    Keep up the great work. Take care and God Bless!!!
