Sunday, January 22, 2012

SCC Week Three Update:

Spring Chick Challenge (SCC) Week Three Challenge Update:

1.       Commit to a NSV (non scale victory) to be assessed at the start and the conclusion of the challenge.   My size 14 jeans I currently wear will be loose and falling off!  I will be wearing a size 12!!
Yesterday I dug through my bins of clothing that I stashed away post pregnancy, due to not fitting any longer.  I am happy to say I found another pair of pants that fit me from my closet, they are size 13 and very loose.  12’s still are not even close to buttoning.  My determination will get me there!  And I am down another two pounds this week.

2.       Commit to a set of nutrition parameters and track via MyFitnessPal
o        I will aim for 1200/day and adjust according to my exercise  tracking via MyFitnessPal
(add me as your friend—ambreee)
o        I will drink at least 64 oz of water a day.
o        For the month of January I am giving up sugary sweets!
I did well with tracking and water this week.  I really tried to stay near my calorie goal as well.  I did pretty good and it is nice to be able to feel good eating less.  I am trying to get in a lot of veggies and a little bit of fruit.  Fruit isn’t good for my blood sugar, so I try to keep it at a minimum.   I am still rocking my January goal of no sugary sweets, but today I feel weak, and I am battling wanting CANDY.  Arrrrgh!  Only another week and a couple days, until I will allow myself a couple treats.
This week I also tried to steer clear of white flour.  I did pretty good, except for two meals where I was out of the house and I completely forgot.  I am so focused when I am at home in my own kitchen, but it just skipped my brain, when I was out and about.  Even though I ate out twice I still was good on my daily calorie in take.

3.       Commit to a set of exercise parameters. These can be as loose or as flexible as you feel work for your personality, schedule, etc.
o        I will exercise 4 times a week at least 45 minutes a session
I got in 5 great work outs (for the third week in a row!)  I am trying to push myself, and work smarter.  I am waiting for that day where I have lots of energy for all this healthy exercise and eating!  There are days like today where I am just exhausted and would love to stay in bed, but just isn’t going to happen with my two little ones, who need care.
I had my first session with my old/new trainer.  It was nice to have someone push me and get me moving again.  The morning of my session, I felt like I was coming down with the flu, my body was achy all over.  Not a workout sore, but a sick sore.  I debated all day if I should call and cancel.  I decided that I felt a little better by the afternoon and I should give it my best and go to the session.  I am glad I went, but I wonder if I am having a hard time with my energy due to fighting a bug, that just doesn’t want to leave. It is that or my body is going through a process of detox and getting rid of gunk!

4.       Commit to blogging at least twice weekly and 1 of those times must be you check in with a complete up date on your progress. All other blogs could include new insights, results of weekly challenges, or just letting others know how you are doing.

5.       Commit to support... both giving and receiving. Check others blogs and comment as you feel motivated to do. 
Check! Yesterday there was something wrong going on with Google Reader.  I could read your blog posts, but when I tried to click into your post to comment, I wasn’t able to even get the page to open up.  I was having trouble today as well, so hopefully it will resolve itself soon.

Week 4’s Goals in addition to my goals above:
*Find a new exercise!


  1. Congrats on the 2 lbs loss. SWEET!!! You will be able to button this size 12s in no time. Hope your Google reader get back to "normal". Glad you went a trainer. But also hope you take it a little easy so you don't get sick. Here is too a fun, fitnessful week 4!

  2. Amber my dear, you are doing amazing. I am very proud of your will and determination. Keep up the great work.
    Take care my friend and have a blessed week!!

  3. Wow congrats on that NSV of fitting into some of your old pants! What a great feeling. Keep up the awesome work! xx

    - DS

  4. Good job on losing 2lb! You are doing SO WELL!
